Sunday, November 25, 2012

The other one.

My touch caught her off guard at first
as I embraced her hello.
I thought perhaps she was shy
and unaccustomed to my willingness
to break bread with strangers.

She held me cautiously then,
ensuring it was brief
and the surface area she touched
was minimal.
Her fingertips recoiled backwards
in an attempt to retract her arms.

She grazed against me carefully,
and looked at me like I was dirt.

I spent our time together
quietly embarassed
unsure of what to think,
or where to go,
or if I was imagining things.
Fidgeting often
in an attempt to regain my composure.

Pretending I wasn't leverage
for the girl you wanted.

From the beginning, when we
hit the road
I was curious as to
where it would take us
I should have just enjoyed the drive.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Soft decay

“Always learn poems by heart. They have to become the marrow in your bones. Like fluoride in the water, they'll make your soul impervious to the world's soft decay.”

― Janet FitchWhite Oleander

Thursday, February 17, 2011


A storm
is a storm
is a storm.
But the white!
it shifts noiselessly
Robbing us in broad daylight
of definition,
Like those misfits
with heads like balloons
Open from vacancy
No wrist for string.
It’s tiring
laying on our backs
watching the same clouds
Seeing different things.
Wake up
Take your head from the grass
before the worms bore in.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The dark.

Night visitors
coming thick and melancholy
forcing pebbles in necks
with vertebrae 
crunching the gravel
lending rope where there once was spine
where there once was heart
lightening flashes too sudden 
to be thoughts 
falling like a deck of cards.
Now there are eyes where there once were dreams
darting inwards, eroding the dark.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


If I were a better friend
with a braver heart
who didn’t.
I would say run, run
faster than your feet know how
to the place
where the echo of your footsteps should be
with the ruins of that boy
instead of the confines 
of that man.